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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
4/19/2024 3:07 PM


Pets in Military Families

You get your deployment orders, and look at Fido, and wonder... "what am I going to do with my beloved furry friend?" Perhaps someone in your family or a friend can help you take care of your pet... A shelter? "No, I can't do that to my faithful Fido"... This is such a difficult, stressful time to have to worry about Fido... The good news is that there are organizations that can help you and your pet with temporary foster care. We have listed a few below. Contact them, and they will help you take care of your furry friend or point you in the right direction!

Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet
400 South Conkling St
Baltimore MD 21224



NetPets.Org's MilitaryPetsFoster Project
